"Memory - Mystification and Mythification of Daily Life - Death"

These are the cornerstones of the work. Each creation being a process off research into,
and a blending off theatre-dance-performance-installation-visual arts... into a theatrical setting.
Depending on the project and the content of each work the pieces vary from visual-theatre plays to dance-theatre to installations with performers .... to an autobiographical text set in an installation, accompanied by a metal-drone band.

Er is geen einde en geen begin
aan deze tocht, geen toekomst, geen verleden,
alleen dit wonderlijk gespleten lange heden.
"There is no end and no beginning to this journey, no future, no past, only this wonderfully long split present"

M. Vasalis.

Thursday, 27 January 2011


foto's from the installation with Kapotski on 12/12/2010
and further links to Kapotski
SINGAPORE SLING: a day by Hel’s Kitchen

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